Saturday, December 19, 2009

Which is the best expensive or cheap shampoo?

Sometimes I think that expensive shampoos are the best because they are expensive,but sometimes I`m affraid maybe they contains bad ingridiend that are bad for our hair.What do you think?And tell me if they are th best,can We use it everyday?Can they damage the hair using every day?Tell me all that you now about these shampoos.Which is the best expensive or cheap shampoo?
hair expert say never stick to one shampoo coz if its not gud ,can damage ur hair.if u go 4 cheap n good then try HALO EGG shampoo with egg extracts...n for expensive try goin for avon, Loreal, Garnier...any of these products all r the same.Which is the best expensive or cheap shampoo?
I am a diehard TIGI supporter!!! if you have been using cheap shampoo, wich is pretty much anything at wal mart, (there are exceptions of course) but start with a clairifier and get all the wax and product residue off, then start on your clean hair with, a selection from TIGI, appropriate for your hair type, see a salon professional. The same advise if you choose another product line, Kenra, Braccato, Matrix, and others, TIGI just happens to be my favorite!!
Personally I think the best thing to do is alternate your shampoos and conditioners throughout the week to stop product build up in your hair.

I think some expensive shampoos are great and some cheap are too!

Personally my favourites are:

Bed Head- dumb blonde range

Catwalk- Oatmeal and Honey

Aussie- miracle moist

Charles Worthington-Dream Hair Range

I think it's all about trial and error and finding the perfect shampoo ranges to suit your hair style and type.

It doesn't damage the hair to shampoo every day, (however it is addictive) and idealy it's best to wash every other day but I wash my hair every day and it's healthy.

The ingredients are generally not bad for the hair, particuarly in the expensive well made shampoos.
diddo agree with sweet litb
When it comes to shampoo just go for cheap because you rinse it out anyways and it stays in your hair so little. Unless you really like the smellof the expensive stuff go for the cheap. Your hair willbe fine. Go for the Suave they are really good and inexpensive.
Suave Daily Clarifying is cheap and gentle; it's the best shampoo there is. I've tried the salon brands and they made my hair stiff and frizzy. Try the Suave and you'll see it's good. It smells fantastic, too.

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